Member update – FROG hosted event – May 2017




TRUPA presentation
hosted by
Friends of the Rosebank and Mowbray Greenbelt (FROG)
on Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Dear Member

Thank you to all those who attended the TRUPA presentation evening on Tuesday, 2 May 2017, which was hosted by The Friends of Rosebank and Mowbray Greenbelt (FROG).

TRUPA gave an informative presentation about the history and current challenges facing the Two Rivers Urban Park.

Click here to view the presentation in full.

For context, here is a brief synopsis about TRUPA.

Who is TRUPA and what is the TRUP?

The Two Rivers Urban Park Association (TRUPA), established in 2003, is the representative organisation that links the Two Rivers Urban Park (TRUP) to its community, constituents and other stakeholders through social engagement, collaboration and networking.

We are mandated to uphold the values and principles as set out in The Two Rivers Urban Park Contextual Framework and Phase 1 Environmental Management Plan, Final Report (CF) of 2003, to ensure the sustainable development of the Two Rivers Urban Park precinct and environs.  To achieve this, we work closely with the local communities, property developers, landowners and local and provincial government.

Our members are made up of civic associations, NGOs, heritage and culture organisations, local and provincial government, councillors, academia and residents.

A view of Liesbeek Lake, looking south towards Valkenberg Hospital.

The Two Rivers Urban Park (TRUP) is a public green open space measuring ± 250 hectares, located towards the confluence of the Liesbeek and Black Rivers in Observatory.

It is a significant urban park in Cape Town because it includes sensitive ecological systems, wetland habitats, extensive open space areas, significant institutions ( including Valkenberg Hospital, Oude Molen Eco-Village and SAAO), historical buildings, land of priceless heritage value, and unique cultural landscapes.

A useful discussion followed the presentation.  Suggestions were made that TRUPA should :

Get involved!

TRUPA is made up of volunteers who want to contribute their time and skills to our organisation.

You’re invited to volunteer.  We are looking for  :

  • Urban planning and draftspersons
  • GIS specialists
  • Graphic designers
  • Event organisers
  • Social media enthusiasts
  • Amateur photographers

I want to volunteer

If you would like to host an event and learn more about the Two Rivers Urban Park, please contact us here.

Many thanks to two new TRUPA friends who are already engaging in the social media and awareness raising space, and bringing this note to you!

The TRUPA team

PS: Remember to like our new Facebook Page!

Facebook Page



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